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What’s the story?

I remember dragging a chair to the kitchen counter to peer over the edge of the mixing bowl, often allowed to hold the measuring cup or wield the wooden spoon. For the past few years, I’ve been hoarding food magazines, printing or clipping and saving recipes, and scribbling out ideas. In 2008, I started working as a “spice merchant” for Savory Spice Shop*, based in my hometown of Denver, Colorado. Working for this company, though the actual description has changed over the years, sparked my passion for cooking. I’ve become more experimental with spices, naturally, but also in using other ingredients, sometimes in unorthodox and nontraditional ways.

My knowledge of beer, wine, and spirits has matured more slowly. My first experience with wine was on a trip to the south of France; as such, I’ve never been someone who compromises quality just to save a bit of money. I generally know what I like, even if I don’t have a firm grasp on the nuances of each particular variety of alcohol. Living in one of the best craft beer cities in the United States, however, has definitely contributed to my beer schooling.

This blog began as a way to marry my love of food, my passion for learning, and my interest in booze. So, while you will usually find me introducing recipes here, I may occasionally indulge a tangent on history or flavor profiles.

Cheers and enjoy!

*While I work for the company, they do not sponsor and are not affiliated with this blog. My recipes and writings are my own. Any mention of the company or product is because I use and love it.

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